Affiliated Chronic Disease Management
Chronic Disease Management Plans provide the opportunity for you, your GP, other health professionals and community service providers to plan and coordinate your care. There are strict conditions placed on who is entitled to a Care Plan.
There are two types of plans:
- GP Management Plans (GPMP)
- Team Care Arrangements (TCA)
If you have a chronic medical condition**, your GP may suggest a GP Management Plan.
If you also have complex care needs and require treatment from two or more other health care providers, your GP may suggest Team Care Arrangements as well.
We must obtain your agreement before providing these plans.
A written, structured approach to health care can help you and your GP manage your condition by identifying your needs and planning what should be done.
If you have both a GPMP and a TCA prepared for you by your GP, you may be eligible for Medicare rebates for specific allied health services.
The practice nurse can provide support and monitoring between visits to your GP.
GPMPs and TCAs are intended to be provided by your usual GP or practice; the one that you attend most often.
**A chronic medical condition is one that has been (or is likely to be) present for six months or longer. It includes conditions such as asthma, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and stroke. Your GP will assess whether a plan is appropriate for you.